Guitarator Toolbox
Guitarator Toolbox >>>
As far as I know this is the first mac version of the original Guitarator. Guitarator Toolbox for Mac. The Guitarator Suite of Apps. The ultimate guitar reference tools for all platforms. Chord Designer. Guitarator Toolbox More. . Guitar Chord Chart. Guitar Chord Chart. Music. Music Chord. Chord. Edmund Sullivan. Apple. How to Use. Eddy Boston Songs. Reference. Chorderator. . Guitar Chord Chart. Music. Music Chord. Chord.
Ever since the PC version of Guitarator Toolbox came out several years ago, folks have been asking me when there would be a Mac version available. Well, its been a while, but I think will be worth the wait. Im proud to announce that Guitarator Toolbox is now available for purchase in the Mac App Store!
Db minor (EADGBE Tuning). Chorderator Scalerator Chord Designer Guitarator Toolbox More. Chord: D natural minor (eadgbe tuning). Chorderator Scalerator Chord Designer Guitarator Toolbox More. Instructions Related Scales Related chords. To see the scale.
Gb major (ADGBE Tuning). Chorderator Scalerator Chord Designer Guitarator Toolbox More. Chord: C major (Guitar Standard tuning). Chorderator Scalerator Chord Designer Guitarator Toolbox More. Instructions Related Scales Related chords. To see the scale.
Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord Chord. All four apps in Guitarator are useful in their own right but are of course equally at home in any guitar playing repertoire. They are also all cord-less and, if you buy into Guitarator's open-source philosophy, free. The advanced Chord Designer, in particular, is a masterpiece. 3d9ccd7d82