Bird Hunter Upland Edition Game Extra Quality
Kansas boasts some of the best upland bird populations in the world. In fact, the largest concentrations of both lesser and greater prairie chickens are found in Kansas. Bobwhite quail still thrive throughout much of the state, and in the far southwest corner, scaled quail can be found. Although not native, the ring-necked pheasant has become a fixture to much of the Kansas landscape. This variety and abundance of opportunities has made Kansas one of the more popular destinations among bird hunters worldwide. All upland bird populations fluctuate annually according to weather and habitat conditions. To assist hunters with travel plans, KDWPT staff use a variety of surveys to assemble the Upland Bird Forecast, which is published each September. The forecast provides up-to-date information about bird numbers around the state.
Bird Hunter Upland Edition Game
Two important factors impact availability of upland game during the fall hunting season: number of breeding adults in the spring and the reproductive success of the breeding population. Reproductive success consists of both the number of hatched nests and chick survival. For pheasant and quail, annual survival is relatively low; therefore, the fall population is more dependent on summer reproduction than spring adult numbers. For prairie chickens, reproductive success is still the major population regulator, but higher adult survival helps maintain hunting opportunities during poor conditions.
Rainfall in Kansas varies greatly, from more than 50 inches of average annual rainfall in the far east to less than 14 inches in the far west. The amount and timing of rainfall plays a major role in reproduction for upland birds. In the west, wet years typically improve the available cover and increase insect availability for chicks. In the east, dry years are typically more optimal, as heavy rains during spring and summer can reduce survival of nesting birds and young chicks. In 2022, Kansas was plagued by limited precipitation and high heat for an extended period of time. This favored production in the eastern third of the state, while production in the western third of the state was limited.
The Southwest Prairie Chicken Unit, where lesser prairie-chickens are found, will remain closed to hunting this year. Greater prairie-chickens may be harvested with a 2-bird daily bag limit in the Greater Prairie-Chicken Unit. All prairie chicken hunters are required to have a Prairie Chicken Permit, which allows KDWP to track hunter activity and harvest to better inform management.
Resident upland game provide vast opportunities for both hunters and wildlife observers in New Mexico. Upland game are found in most habitats throughout the state, from mountains to desert. Our resident upland games species include: Quail, Dusky grouse, Pheasant, Eurasian collared-doves, and several Squirrel species. All distribution maps presented below are approximations based on habitat data, historic records, and reported observations.
Migratory game birds are managed separately from resident upland game. Migratory birds are species that in the course of their annual migration traverse certain parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Russia, or Japan.
The Eurasian collared-dove is considered upland game due to its non-migratory nature and invasive status. It can be found through New Mexico all year long. Eurasian collared-doves mainly live in urban, suburban, and agricultural areas. They tend to perch on telephone poles and wires, and in large trees.
Upland hunting is an American term for a form of hunting in which the hunter pursues upland birds including quail, pheasant, grouse, woodcock, prairie chicken, chukar, grey partridge, and other landfowls.[1][2] Unlike aquatic birds (waterfowls and shorebirds), upland birds are terrestrial and tend to be found on the dry lands above the high mark of waterbodies, often hidden in heavy groundcover, so hunters generally employ the use of gun dogs to locate, expose and retrieve game. The average group consists of 2-4 hunters with 1-2 dogs. Normally, if there is one dog the owner usually handles the dog while the others focus on shooting.
Depending upon their method of work, some dogs (pointers and setters) are tasked to detect game, and some (spaniels) to purposefully startle ("flush") game. When the birds are forced to flee out of concealment and into the open, either by the hunter or the dog, the hunter then attempts to shoot down the birds on the wing, also known as wingshooting. Once downed, the game is usually either incapacitated or immobilized, and is then retrieved with a dog (retrievers) or by the hunter himself.
Upland hunters use all types of shotguns from break-action single-shots to semi-automatics, calibered from .410 bore through to 12-gauge. The quintessential shotgun for upland hunting is a double-barrel shotgun in a smaller gauge such as a 16-, 20- or 28-gauge, using small round pellets known as birdshots. Upland guns can be extremely valuable luxury items, often commanding many thousands of dollars.
In North America some states such as Alabama and Arkansas require upland hunters to wear blaze orange clothing for safety.[3] They often wear vests to carry game, though there is a recent trend toward more functional technical daypacks specifically designed for the demands of more rigorous upland hunting in remote areas.
Upland hunters work specially trained gun dogs to find game. Spaniels and pointing breeds are used most often, though retrievers are worked with considerable success when hunting pheasant in many areas.
Upland hunters traditionally walk when finding game, though quail hunters in the southern states often employ buggies or vehicles due to the sparseness of game. Because of the large area that must be covered in order to find bobwhite quail, many hunters employ specially designed hunting buggies to haul gears and kennels for fresh dogs. On the other hand, chukar and grey partridge hunters of much of the western regions will hunt with one or two dogs on the ground for the duration of the hunt, hiking 8+ miles of steep mountainous terrain in a single hunt with well-conditioned dogs.
An important component of upland hunting for hunters is their partnership with their canine hunting companion. The breed of dog chosen by a hunter should first and foremost fit the style of hunting of the hunter and then the primary type of game bird being hunted for the relationship to be successful. A puppy's training may begin when the dog is around 4 months old. Training often involves reinforcement of canine predator instinct, and some common training tools are: dog whistles, 6 & 20 ft choke leashes, and shock collars. A puppy can be brought into the field within a year, but dogs reach prime ability at closer to 3 or 4 years old.
Pheasant hunting, the most popular form of upland hunting takes place primarily in open fields which provides cover for birds. Upland birds can be hunted in a wide variety of habitats from deserts to high mountain elevations. This variety of locations is part of what makes upland hunting so popular. Some states such as South Dakota derive a significant portion of their revenue from upland hunters who travel into the state to take advantage of the ideal fauna. Numerous pheasant hunting lodges are prevalent throughout South Dakota, most of them in the eastern half of the state.
Location is important when deciding the species of upland bird you want to hunt. Upland birds are found throughout the United States and much of the world, although it is most popular (by number of participants) in the United States. There are two different ways that hunters can approach upland hunting, the more challenging way is hunting wild birds in less populated parts of the country especially the Midwest; the second way is hunting farmed birds.
This regulation establishes hunting season dates, bag and possession limits and specific shooting hours for all upland game bird and small game species. The Springer permit pheasant and Glendo permit pheasant seasons are also included.2022 Upland Game Bird and Small Game, Migratory Game Bird and Wild Turkey Hunting Brochure2022 Upland Game Bird and Small Game Hunting Seasons 2022 Sage Grouse Hunting Area Map2022 Pheasant Hunting Area Map2022 Springer Permit Pheasant Hunt Flyer2022 Springer Permit Pheasant Hunt Map (GeoPDF)
The Utah DWR Upland Game and Turkey Guidebook summarizes the laws and rules that govern upland game and turkey hunting in Utah. The guidebook is designed to be a quick reference for upland game and turkey hunting regulations. You can use the references in the guidebook to search for the detailed statute or rule.
Anyone hunting migratory gamebirds (ducks, mergansers, coots, geese, doves, woodcock, sora, snipe) must have an Indiana hunting license and a HIP registration number. An Indiana waterfowl stamp privilege, purchased through a local retailer (see page 1), is also required for hunting ducks and geese. A game bird habitat stamp also is required to hunt mourning doves.
Migratory game birds may be hunted from a motorboat provided it is beached, resting at anchor, tied to a stationary object, or without motion other than that imparted by wind and current acting upon the hull, or due to hand-operated oars or paddles.
All migratory game birds killed or crippled shall be retrieved, if possible, and retained in the custody of the hunter in the field. You may retrieve dead or injured birds by hand or from a motorboat under power, but crippled birds may not be shot from a boat under power or in motion due to motor power.
No person shall ship migratory game birds unless the package is marked on the outside with: (a) the name and address of the person sending the birds, (b) the name and address of the person to whom the birds are being sent, and (c) the number of birds, by species, contained in the package.