Happy Models.eu 2021
Happy Models.eu is part of the Happy Vision project at the University of Nottingham. This project is led by Dr Catherine Young ( c.young-murray@nottingham.ac.uk ). Catherine works in the Nottingham City Centre and Community Planning and Knowledge Unit ( community-planning-and-knowledge@nottingham.ac.uk ) and holds a PhD in public health policy and systems analysis. ( k.mccormack@nottingham.ac.uk ). She is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Nottingham and works alongside PhD students within the Institute of Health and Wellbeing. ( j.bunting@nottingham.ac.uk ). Julie works in the Notts health and social investment team and holds a Masters in Public Health.
Happy Models.eu
The collaboration between Happy Models.eu and genOway is funded by the Wellcome Trust ( http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/funding/how-to-apply/funding-overview.htm ). The genOway collaboration will run from May to September.
In light of the spread of COVID-19, the WHO has recommended the use of masks to help protect people from infection, but the question remains: what if the mask is your thing? Happy Masks are more than just a mask. They are part of the brand and culture of Happy Models.eu. Happy Masks are a mask for the face that we all enjoy but want to change. With the Happy Masks you can put the look of yours but you can choose the color you want. We offer basic models in white, pink, light grey, dark grey and black.
HAPPY MODELS.EU is a great accessory to the Happy lifestyle, your logo and your image, your brand or business. It will create an identity for your business, you project your companys image and they are available in different sizes in a wide range of colors.