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Christopher Price
Christopher Price

Xliff Editor 2.9

Xliff Editor - its fast to load, easy to use, and has a low memory footprint. Did we forget to mention Inline tag protection, Fuzzy search, intuitive shortcuts, multiple concurrent file editing and native spell checker. It also has some pretty nice customizations you can use to better suit your workflow.Not all Xliff editors have been created equally. We've custom built our own XML parser to read even the most complex Xliff v1.2 files. Xliff Editor effortlessly handles Segmentation, Inline tags and Alternate translations.Xliff Editor Features:

Xliff Editor 2.9

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Not all Xliff editors have been created equally. We've custom built our own XML parser to read even the most complex Xliff v1.2 files. Xliff Editor effortlessly handles Segmentation, Inline tags and Alternate translations.

An xliff file is a standardized file format based on XML, used to represent localization data. In its simplest form the original ( source) string is stored as well as its translated ( target) complement. Xliff files enable localization to be much more user friendly, and less error prone than manual translation. Xliff files can be identified by the extensions .xliff or .xlf. SDL Trados ( .sdlxliff) also uses the xliff format, but includes some custom extensions to the format.

There are different types of Xliff editors. They've created our XML parser to read even the most complicated Xliff v1.2 files. It supports segmentation, inline tags, and alternate translations with ease. Only XLIFF v1.2 files are currently supported.

A XLIFF file is a standardized file format based on XML, used to represent location data. In its simplest form, the original string (source) is stored as its complement and translated (target). XLIFF files allow localization much easier to use and less prone to errors than manual translation. XLIFF files can be identified by the .xliff extensions or .xlf. SDL Trados (.sdlxliff) also uses the XLIFF format, but includes some additional property data.

Technical Committee members should send comments on this specification to the Technical Committee's email list. Others should send comments to the Technical Committee by using the "Send A Comment" button on the Technical Committee's web page at

This specification is provided under the RF on RAND Terms Mode of the OASIS IPR Policy, the mode chosen when the Technical Committee was established. For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the Technical Committee web page (

XLIFF Version 2.1. Edited by David Filip, Tom Comerford, Soroush Saadatfar, Felix Sasaki, and Yves Savourel. 13 February 2018. OASIS Standard. Latest version:

Any XML document that declares the namespace "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" as its main namespace, has as the root element and complies with the XML Schemas and the declared Constraints that are part of this specification.

The restriction framework has support for two distinct types of restrictions; storage size restrictions and general size restriction. The reason for this is that it is often common to have separate restrictions between storage and display / physical representation of data. Since it would be impossible to define all restrictions here a concept of restriction profile is introduced. The profiles for storage size and general size are independent. The information related to restriction profiles are stored in the processing invariant part of the XLIFF file like the , and elements and contained within elements defined in this module. The information regarding the specific restrictions are stored on the processing invariant parts and on the inline elements as attributes or attributes referencing data in the elements defined in this module. To avoid issues with segmentation no information regarding size restrictions is present on , and elements. The module defines a namespace for all the elements and attributes it introduces, in the rest of the module specification elements and attributes are in this namespace unless stated otherwise. In other parts of the XLIFF specification the prefix "slr" is used to refer to this module's namespace. For clarity the prefix "xlf" will be used for XLIFF Core elements and attributes. Profile names use the same namespace-like naming convention as user defined values in the XLIFF Core specification. The names SHOULD be composed of two components separated by a colon. :. The authority "xliff" is reserved for profiles defined by the OASIS XLIFF Technical Committee.

Schemas and Schematron for this module are available at,, and

Although setting and usage of prefixes for namespaces in XML is arbitrary, we are using its: for the namespace and itsm: for the urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:itsm:2.1 namespace throughout this specification.

Conformant ITS Processors MUST be able to use the external global rules included in the module's Schematron file and compute ITS data categories encoded in XLIFF Documents as per [ITS] Conformance clauses 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4.

Please note that the Domain data category uses the itsm:domains attribute that belongs to the urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:itsm:2.1 namespace (prefixed with itsm:) and not to the (prefixed with its) as most of the other attributes described in this module.

Communicate the identity of agents that have been involved in the translation of the content or the revision of the translated content. This allows translation and translation revision consumers, such as post-editors, translation quality reviewers, or localization workflow managers, to assess how the performance of these agents may impact the quality of the translation. Translation and translation revision agents can be identified as a person, a piece of software or an organization that has been involved in providing a translation or revision that resulted in the selected content. See [ITS] Provenance for more details.

There is a one-to-one mapping for all parts of the Localization Note information to and from the XLIFF Core and the Comment Annotation mechanism. This means that the whole data category can be losslessly Extracted from the native format, Merged back to the native format or even round-tripped. However, generic ITS Processors won't be able to fully access the Localization Note information encoded in XLIFF Documents. The Localization Note rules contained in the ITS Module Schematron Schema ( won't be able to parse XLIFF Core elements placed on unless they have set the attribute appliesTo.

XLIFF Documents are normally bilingual, hence the source and target language are indicated at the top level using the srcLang and trgLang attributes set on the xliff element. The Language Information values set on the top level, strictly constrain the values of xml:lang set or inherited on the element for source content and on the element for target content.

Please note that the Language Information Annotation uses the itsm:lang attribute that belongs to the urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:itsm:2.1 namespace (prefixed with itsm:) and not to the (prefixed with its) as most of the other attributes described in this module.

The MT Confidence Annotations need to be removed whenever the original MT is modified, no matter if by human post-editors or some automated post-editing methods. This is however not enforceable since the subsequent Modifiers might not be aware of the ITS Module data. Thus it is not advised to transfer the MT Confidence data onto XLIFF Core targets if any sort of post editing is foreseen or possible in the subsesquent steps of the XLIFF Round-trip, unless the post-editors were instructed and equipped to remove the MT Confidence Annotations as soon as they touch the MT suggestions. Preserving the MT Confidence data in XLIFF Core elements only makes sense if the data needs to be preserved throughout Merging back to the original format, for instance for data analytic purposes or to color code the raw MTed target text for the end user based on the MT Confidence scores.

Even in case Extractors don't perform the normalization step, it is safer to set xml:space to preserve on the structural level, since any potentially superfluous whitespace characters can be removed by human translators or editors, whereas inheriting of the default value default could lead to irreversible loss of significant whitespace characters.

This attribute belongs to the urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:itsm:2.1 namespace that is being prefixed with itsm: throughout this specification, unlike the original W3C ITS namespace that is being prefixed with its:.

This Appendix is based on the Committee Specification 01 of the Media Type Registration Template for XLIFF Version 2.0 published on 22 September 2014, which is also the latest version of the Registration Template, as the TC decided to merge the template (with some necessary editorial updates) with this XLIFF Version 2.1 specification. Additionally, the Security Considerations have been substantially expanded based on an IESG Expert feedback, as per this archived conversation XLIFF 2.0 was provisionally registered as application/xliff+xml in the IANA Provisional Standard Media Type Registry. 041b061a72


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